Academic Publications by JFMR Members

O’Rourke, Maeve. Human Rights and the Care of Older People: Dignity, Vulnerability, and the Anti-Torture Norm. Oxford University Press, 2024.

Coen, Mark, Katherine O’Donnell and Maeve O’Rourke (Eds.), A Dublin Magdalene Laundry: Donnybrook and Church-State Power in Ireland. Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.

McGettrick, Claire. “Guerrilla Archive: Donnybrook and the Magdalene Names Project.” In A Dublin Magdalene Laundry: Donnybrook and Church-State Power in Ireland, edited by Mark Coen, Katherine O’Donnell and Maeve O’Rourke, Bloomsbury Academic, 2023, pp. 235-52.

O’Donnell, Katherine. “‘Magdalene’ Testimony from the Donnybrook Laundry.” In A Dublin Magdalene Laundry: Donnybrook and Church-State Power in Ireland, edited by Mark Coen, Katherine O’Donnell and Maeve O’Rourke, Bloomsbury Academic, 2023, pp. 101-26.

McGettrick, C. (2023) ‘Adoption Social Work Practice in Ireland: Critical Reflections on Present-Day Injustices’, in: Ioakimidis, V. and Wyllie, A. (eds.) Social Work’s Histories of Complicity and Resistance: A Tale of Two Professions. Bristol: Policy Press, 2023, pp. 261-277.

O’Donnell, Katherine. Slant. New Island Books, 2023.

O’Donnell, Katherine, Maeve O’Rourke & James M. Smith (Eds.), REDRESS: Ireland’s Institutions and Transitional Justice. University College Dublin Press, 2022.

McGettrick, Claire. (2022) ‘Illegitimate’ Knowledge: Transitional Justice and Adopted People’, in: O’Donnell, K., O’Rourke, M. and Smith, J.M. (Eds.) REDRESS: Ireland’s Institutions and Transitional Justice. University College Dublin Press, 2022, pp. 211-223.

O’Donnell, Katherine. “Official Ireland’s Response to the Magdalene Laundries: An Epistemology of Ignorance.” In REDRESS: Ireland’s Institutions and Transitional Justice, edited by Katherine O’Donnell, Maeve O’Rourke, and James M. Smith, University College Dublin Press, 2022, pp.282-303.

O’Rourke, Maeve. “State Responses to Historical Abuses in Ireland: ‘Vulnerability’ and the Denial of Rights.” In REDRESS: Ireland’s Institutions and Transitional Justice, edited by Katherine O’Donnell, Maeve O’Rourke, and James M. Smith, University College Dublin Press, 2022, pp. 68-85.

Smith, James. “Knowing and Unknowing Tuam: State Practice, the Archive, and Transitional Justice,”In REDRESS: Ireland’s Institutions and Transitional Justice, edited by Katherine O’Donnell, Maeve O’Rourke, and James M. Smith, University College Dublin Press, 2022. pp. 356-82.

O’Rourke, Maeve. “Ireland’s ‘Historical’ Abuse Inquiries and the Secrecy of Records and Archives.” In Histories of Punishment and Social Control in Ireland: Perspectives from a Periphery, edited by Lynsey Black, Louise Brangan, and Deirdre Healy, Emerald Publishing, 2022, pp. 107-38.

O’Donnell, Katherine. “A Certain Class of Justice: Ireland’s ‘Magdalens’.” In Histories of Punishment and Social Control in Ireland: Perspectives from a Periphery, edited by Lynsey Black, Louise Brangan, and Deirdre Healy, Emerald Publishing, 2022, pp. 79-106.

O’Rourke, Maeve, Jennifer O’Mahoney, and Katherine O’Donnell, “Institutional Abuse in Ireland: Lessons from Magdalene Survivors and Legal Professionals.” In Giving Voice to Diversity in Criminological Research, edited by Orla Lynch, James Windle, and Yasmine Ahmed, Bristol University Press, 2022, pp. 67-88.

McGettrick, Claire, Katherine O’Donnell, Maeve O’Rourke, James M. Smith and Mari Steed, Ireland and the Magdalene Laundries: A Campaign for Justice. Bloomsbury/I.B.Tauris, 2021.

O’Donnell, Katherine, Maeve O’Rourke & James M. Smith (Eds.) Éire-Ireland: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Irish Studies, Special Double Issue, “Towards Transitional Justice in Ireland? Legacies of Harm”,  55: 1& 2 (Spring/Summer, 2020): 341 pgs.

O’Donnell, K. (2018) Academics Becoming Activists: Reflections on Some Ethical Issues of the Justice for Magdalenes Campaign. In: Villar-Argáiz P. (eds) Irishness on the Margins. New Directions in Irish and Irish American Literature. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

O’Rourke, M. (2016) ‘The Justice for Magdalenes Campaign’. In: Egan, S. (Ed.), Implementing International Human Rights: Perspectives from Ireland. London: Bloomsbury.

O’Rourke, M. and Smith, JM. (2016) ‘Ireland’s Magdalene Laundries: Confronting a History Not Yet in the Past’. In: Alan Hayes and Maire Meagher (eds.), A Century of Progress? Irish Women Reflect. Galway: Arlen House.

Smith, James. “The Justice for Magdalenes Campaign.” In Plain Sight: Responding to the Ferns, Ryan, Murphy and Cloyne Reports by Carole Holohan. Commissioned by Amnesty International Ireland. Dublin: Amnesty International Ireland, 2011., pp. 372-77.

Smith, James. “The Magdalene Sisters: Evidence, Testimony … Action?” Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society 32, 2 (Winter, 2007): 431-58.

Smith, J. M. (2007) Ireland’s Magdalen Laundries and the Nation’s Architecture of Containment. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.

Smith, James. “The Politics of Sexual Knowledge: The Origins of Ireland’s Containment Culture and ‘The Carrigan Report’ (1931).” Journal of the History of Sexuality. 13, 2 (2004): 208-233.

Smith, James. “Remembering Ireland’s Architecture of Containment: ‘Telling’ Stories in The Butcher Boy and States of Fear.” Éire-Ireland: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Irish Studies 36, 3&4 (2001): 111-130.